1b. Research Methods and Methodologies

Track Chairs

Goals and Objectives of the Track

  • To help build the “science of sustainable development”
  • To survey and evaluate methodologies for the analysis of sustainable development
  • Appraise the challenges and potential contribution of transdisciplinary methods for the better understanding of sustainable development
  • To identify the process of sustainable development and establish criteria for achieving sustainable development
  • To distinguish between the theoretical and pragmatic bases of sustainable development policies at the local and global levels
  • To help build analytical tools for analysing the positive and normative aspects of sustainable development

Length and content of the proposed abstract to the track

Each proposed abstract (in connection to an area pointed out above) of between 300 and 500 words (including all aspects),

  1. shall be best organized (without headlines) along usual structures (e.g., intro/method/findings or results/ discussion/conclusions)
  2. does not need to, but can include references
  3. shall provide in a final section
    a. to which SDG(s) and SDG-target(s) their proposed abstract especially relate to (e.g., “SDG+Target: 14.1.”).
    b. a brief indication how the proposed contribution relates to the topic of the Conference.  (Linking Futures of Mountain and Ocean: Rescuing the SDGs 2030 for Sustainable Livelihood)

Abstracts which do not outline points 3.a.) AND 3.b.) might be considered less relevant in the Review.

Potential publication channels

With regard to potential publications, depending on the number and quality of contributions, diverse publication opportunities will be envisaged.

