Track Chairs
- Bhojraj Ghimire, School of Technology, Nepal Open University, Nepal. - Sojen Pradhan, University of Technology Sydney, Australia. - Rabiah Abdul Kadir, Institute of Visual Informatics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia. - Mei Choo Ang, Institute of Visual Informatics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia.
Goals and Objectives of the Track
This track seeks to investigate the dynamic relationship between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Sustainable Technology and Digital Transformation in the pursuit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The primary objectives include:
- Scrutinizing the role of state-of-the-art ICTs in the development and deployment of sustainable technologies to achieve SDGs.
- Analyzing the impact of ICTs, especially in the era of the fourth industrial revolution (IR4.0), on various facets of sustainable development such as economic, social, and environmental dimensions.
- Assessing the potential contributions of ICTs, such as IoT, machine learning, and 3D printing, in reaching SDGs and their implications for large-scale data-centric initiatives.
- Investigating the constraints and challenges associated with ICTs in genuinely contributing to sustainable development. Exploring the ethical and responsible use of digital tools and platforms in the context of sustainable outcomes.
- Evaluating the environmental impact of digital technologies and addressing the ecological considerations associated with ICTs. Understanding the potential negative impacts of ICTs on specific groups, communities, populations, or geographies. Showcasing case studies that illustrate the significant role of technology in sustainable economic, social, and environmental development.
Length and content of the proposed abstract to the track
Each proposed abstract (in connection to one of the areas pointed out above) within 300 and 500 words (including everything)
- shall be best organized (without headlines) along usual structures (e.g. intro/method/findings or results/ discussion/conclusions)
- does not need to, but can include references
- shall provide in a final section
a. to which SDG(s) and SDG-target(s) their proposed abstract especially relate to (e.g. “SDG+Target: 14.1.”).
b. a brief indication how the proposed contribution relates to the topic of the Conference (Linking Futures of Mountain and Ocean: Rescuing the SDGs 2030 for Sustainable Livelihood)
Abstracts should explicitly outline their connection to the specified SDGs and targets. Those addressing both the positive and potentially negative impacts of ICTs on sustainability will be considered highly relevant in the review process.
Potential publication channels
With regard to potential publications, depending on the number and quality of contributions, diverse publication opportunities will be envisaged.